
Annual Report

A copy of our rules can be downloaded here.

Company Structure

Killarney Co-operative Limited is owned by shareholders, who are represented by the board of directors.  There are many benefits offered to customers who decide to become shareholders:

For further details please contact our registered office: ph 0746641188 fax 0746641377 email

Application Forms

For New Shareholders:

Please contact our registered office: ph 0746641188 fax 0746641377 or email to access an intending shareholder information pack, which includes the current disclosure statement.  Please note that the minimum number of shares that may be purchased is 25 @ $2.00 each.  All applications will be placed before the Board Meeting and, should they be accepted, a share certificate will be forwarded to you.  Payment for new shares can be made:

For Existing Shareholders:

If you require assistance with any of these forms please do not hesitate to contact our office.